Funniest Tweets About Music: 2 February 2015
It doesn’t matter if you’re a casual music listener or a dedicated audiophile, a beginning music student or a talented musician. Whatever your music tastes, one thing is clear, music play a huge part in our lives and in our world.
It’s always interesting to talk about music, and even more so in this ever-changing digital age, when we’re not just talking about music anymore. Now we’re tweeting about it!
Here are some of the funniest tweets about music we’ve seen this week!
My kids recognized & danced to Missy Elliot. They side eyed Katy Perry. I feel like my parenting has been quality on the music front.
— Mikki Kendall (@Karnythia) February 2, 2015
Just saw a couple trying to get down with the kids sitting in their car in the doctor’s car park…the really loud ABBA music ruined it
— mr potato head (@jackknason) February 1, 2015
“I was thinking ‘I’m not going to know any lullaby’s to sing my kids to sleep’ so I’ll just have to rap for them”
— Shit Jessica Says (@ShitJessSays16) February 2, 2015
So did all those manly football fans roar along with Katy Perry and did all the kids watching sing I kissed a girl and I liked it?
— Carlo Delgaudio (@Cardel444) February 2, 2015
Best thing about singing to kids is they don’t care how bad your voice is. Worst thing is you have to sing ‘Let it go’…repeatedly..FOREVA!
— King Kamar (@Karim_Kamar) February 1, 2015
dear kids angrily, aggressively, and loudly singing Let it Go outside my window, me too. mee too. im not even mad i want to go and sing too — Georgia Berdahl (@georgia_berdahl) January 31, 2015
My fav thing ever is when little Kids dnt know the words to a song but they think they do so they make noises that arent even words to sing
— ?¿¿? (@JElizax) January 31, 2015
Oh joy, get to watch the sing-along version of “Frozen” with a crowd of little kids dressed like the characters, yeah I’m a Dad all right — Tony Solorzano (@SoloSportsComms) January 31, 2015
“I hate this song, why do they have to sing about cookies?” My dad, talking about Cool Kids by Echosmith.. — alyssa (@lyssapizza) January 31, 2015
When I become a mom, I’m gonna make a music video of my kids running around then I’ll have Kids by MGMT playing in the background.
— Mckenzie Blake (@_mckenzieblake) January 27, 2015
Ugh I love music so much.All music! I want to marry and make love to and have kids with music and in sickness and Health be there for music — Lion O (@BabyLionOh) February 1, 2015
The secret of staying up-to-date with the music taste of your kids: use the same drugs as them! Unfortunately, I cannot stomach soy milk
— Joscha Bach (@Plinz) January 29, 2015
You haven’t lived until you sing Kelly Clarkson at karaoke in a bar full of drunk college kids — Lucky (@Lucixno) January 30, 2015
Good 90s/early 2000s country music makes me want to settle down, build a house with my bare hands, and have 17 kids
— jake (@YeaBuddyItsJake) January 29, 2015
When I’m procrastinating homework I learn songs on the guitar that I’ll forget the next day. — Matthew Hulvey (@HulveyMatt) January 29, 2015
if I have to hear my kids sing “time for your checkup” once more, I’m driving chopsticks thru my ears, said the guy who survived Let It Go.
— Rob A. (@docsmooth) January 29, 2015
Are kids taught nursery rhymes anymore or are there going to be growing generations who sing early 2000’s pop hits like nursery rhymes? — Hope is Døp€ (@Hope_ankleknee) January 29, 2015
You know you’re in a bus with choir kids when you start to sing “Happy Birthday” and everyone starts to harmonize…
— Molly Brown (@MollyBrown114) January 28, 2015
my history teacher said if we have our phones out he’ll torture us with one direction music so naturally I have my phone out hello — reija loves louis ◡̈ (@tattooinglwt) January 28, 2015
Me at 5:00 pm- Damn I’m so tired I’m about to pass out Me at 10:00pm- I think I’m gonna stay up and learn every song ever on guitar
— InvisibleMovement (@RhcpStephen) January 28, 2015
Can I be a music teacher and just let my kids go to concerts for their grades?! But they have to take me.. — Karissa ♡ (@KarJaneDavis) January 28, 2015
*She Looks So Perfect music video comes on the big screen at WWA* *Covers parents’ eyes* *Covers little kids’ eyes* *Covers dogs’ eyes*
— casey montalvo (@Casey_Raee) January 28, 2015